NUS PhD (Data Science)

Jointly hosted by ISEP and the NUS Institute of Data Science (IDS)

The NUS PhD (Data Science) programme is jointly hosted by the NUS Graduate School’s Integrative Sciences and Engineering Programme (ISEP) and the NUS Institute of Data Science (IDS)

It prepares students with a distinctive set of interdisciplinary skills for Data Science careers in academia or industry.

The Institute of Data Science (IDS) agglomerates, and further builds on, substantial strengths in data science and analytics in NUS. IDS coordinates and supports data science research initiatives across NUS. The value of the solutions that IDS can provide is through combining the expertise from multiple disciplines to tackle a problem well-roundedly from an all angles. In this way, solutions derived will actually be more superior than those derived singularly by each discipline.

IDS seeks to collaborate with industry partners to contribute to innovation and solutions across a diverse range of sectors, including industry, government, community services, and of course, education.

With this PhD program, IDS aims to educate the next generation of “brain-heavy” data scientists.


  • Full-time only PhD programme
  • Monthly stipend, up to 4 years of PhD studies, OR up to date of graduation, whichever is earlier
  • Full tuition fee subsidies for 4 years
  • Conference travel support
  • under ISEP Scholarship scheme
  • Open worldwide to
    • Bachelor degree holders (or above), with at least a very good 2nd Upper Honours (or equivalent qualifications), and
    • outstanding research potential and strong research interests in Data Sciences

Students will be based in ISEP and IDS, and have to fulfil the following three requirements:

  1. Coursework
    30 modular credits, comprising
    • modules from ISEP, Business School, School of Computing, Faculty of Science and Faculty of Engineering, and
    • laboratory rotation
  2. Service, comprising
    • IDS Teaching
    • IDS-based industry relevant projects
  3. PhD Thesis
    • Work on a topic that advance data science research under the advice of IDS directors and faculty affiliates (refer to “Supervisors” below).

Scholarship and Eligibility

Visit HERE for Eligibility.

Please refer to Supervisors section on the right for research options. 

Apply for the NUS PhD (Data Science)

August 2025 Intake [AY2025/26 Semester 1]:

Application for PhD (Data Science) will open on 01 September 2024, and will close on 15 December 2024.   

Start your application HERE