Senior Advisory for Graduate Education

Your PhD journey can be immensely rewarding,
but it can also be very challenging at the same time.

This is why SAGE was created.

SAGE is a unique NGS initiative that provides pastoral care or guidance to any NGS graduate student who may require it.


SAGE often follows the students till they successfully graduate, and all student interactions are kept confidential.

SAGE provides care/guidance on student welfare matters including:
  • Struggles with research
  • Personal problems affecting their graduate studies progress
  • Problems with supervisors/co-workers
  • Frustrations over coursework and CAP

How It Works

NGS students in need of pastoral care/advice/guidance can be referred to SAGE under the following circumstances:

  • The student himself/herself approaches SAGE
  • Their supervisor approaches SAGE
  • Progress report submitted each semester suggest that student may need some extra guidance
  • Modular CAP is below NGS requirements of 3.8
  • Student is not meeting deadlines / appropriate milestones.

NGS students may approach SAGE:

By visiting the NGS 'Drop-in Clinic' every Tuesday and Friday, from 3pm – 5pm. Please email Dr Lee beforehand.

NGS Office
University Hall, Tan Chin Tuan Wing,
Level 04, #04-02
21 Lower Kent Ridge
Singapore 119077

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