A*Star Graduate Scholarship (AGS)

A collaboration between A*STAR Graduate Academy (A*GA) and ISEP

It comprises a four-year PhD study tenable at NUS and the PhD degree is awarded by NUS.

Successful candidates who are Permanent Residents or non-Singaporeans are expected to take up Singapore citizenship.

Upon completion of their four-year studies, scholars are encouraged to apply for post-doc to widen their exposure before they return for deployment. Post-doc positions are awarded on a case-by-case, competitive basis, depending on the strengths and merits of the post-doc application.

Full details can be found over here.


Monthly Stipend

inclusive of CPF contribution (where applicable) up to 4 years of PhD or date of graduation, whichever is earlier.

Full Tuition Fees

Other Allowances

including Books, Computer, Conferences, Thesis.

Opportunities for Overseas Attachment

Successful candidates will be given support for up to four years of academic pursuit, leading to a PhD. Award is renewable on an annual basis, subject to good progress.



  • May not hold concurrently any other scholarship or fellowship.
  • All candidates are encouraged to apply with their GRE test scores. Applications without GRE test scores will still be considered but successful applicants will have to satisfy the GRE requirement prior to them embarking on their PhD studies.
  • Applicants doing a Masters programme at the point of application
    • must have officially completed the Masters programme, and
    • must have been conferred the Masters degree

    before matriculating in ISEP for PhD at ISEP.
    Applicants who have submitted their Masters thesis only, but who

    • have not officially graduated from the Masters programme, and
    • have not been conferred the Masters degree

    must therefore defer their admission (from matriculation to registration) into ISEP, until the Masters degree has been officially awarded.

  • Applicants
    • required to serve any bond after graduation from existing (be it Bachelor / Master’s) programme,  and who intend to commence their ISEP’s PhD immediately after official graduation
    • serving any bond at the point of application to ISEP’s PhD
      should declare such information in the Questionnaire section of the application form.

Successful applicants should automatically, in their own initiative, apply for deferment of serving of the bond.  The official memo documenting the approval of deferment of bond service should be submitted to NUSGS at least one month before matriculation into ISEP’s PhD.

Service Commitment

  • Singaporeans (at the point of award):  No service commitment

  • Non-Singaporeans (at the point of award):  2-year service in Singapore-based companies* without commitment to any specific organization. The area of work should preferably be in Biomedical Sciences, Physical Sciences or Engineering.

  • AGS NUS scholars who are subsequently awarded the AGS (PDF) for overseas post-doctoral training will have a service commitment^ of 1 year with A*STAR.

*Singapore-based companies refer to local companies and international companies that have a base in Singapore and which is registered with the Accounting & Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA).

^ The AGS NUS service obligation and the AGS (PDF) service commitment may not be served concurrently.

Apply for the A*Star Graduate Scholarship (AGS) now