Graduate Assistance Programme (GAP)

Total Hours Required to Serve during Candidature
Mode of Clocking GAP Hours (per candidature) Hours Remarks
Mode of Clocking GAP Hours (per candidature)
Teaching / Laboratory Supervision (min. 20%)
At least 63
Official contact hours with students only. Time taken for preparation for the class, marking of assignments and assistantship with journal clubs can be taken into account.

As a guide, time taken for preparation and marking should not take more than half of the total time clocked for the assignment. For e.g. Total hours clocked for the assignment = 20 hours; Total hours claimed for preparation and marking = 10 hours (max).

Students are not allowed to claim solely marking or preparation hours without any teaching contact hours included.

Note: The final decision on hours allowed for claiming will be made at ISEP's discretion.
Mode of Clocking GAP Hours (per candidature)
Research Assistant (RA) duty, inclusive of research supervision (max. 60%)
Up to 188
The quality of the research supervision or research assistant duty needs to be endorsed by the student's Thesis Advisor(s).

No preparation time is to be clocked in this assignment. The research assistant duty should go beyond the scope of the research project undertaken by the student to fulfil the requirement of the graduate programme.
Mode of Clocking GAP Hours (per candidature)
Other developmental assignments (max. 20%)
Up to 63
Other assignments with developmental value approved by the Vice-Dean. This could include:

- ISEP Buddy Hours (10 hours)

- Attendance of ISEP PhD Oral Defense (up to 20 hours, only applicable for students on GAP)

- Giving Seminar Talks to Department or Workshop (5 hours)

- Conference Organization (5 hours)
Mode of Clocking GAP Hours (per candidature)
Total Hours

How it Works

  • Student cannot receive any remuneration for the hours clocked under the Graduate Assistantship Programme.
  • Student should work with the supervisor(s) on the plan to fulfil the required hours on a yearly (Academic Year) basis.
  • Student has to complete at least half of the required hours (156) by PQE (2-year point) or 208 hours by the end of the 3rd year.
  • The duties can only be clocked for work done deemed satisfactory by the University.
  • If the required hours are not met according to the annual plan or the quality of the work done is unsatisfactory, until the requirements are met, ISEP can:
    • reduce or withhold the stipend, and/or the tuition fee subsidy, and/or terminate the Scholarship; and or
    • withhold the transcript (both official and unofficial) and student status letter, conferment letter

Feedback by Module Coordinator or Main Thesis Advisor Form

Hours Clocked For Undergraduate Teaching / Research Supervision / Other Developmental Assignments Form

Hours Clocked Details and Breakdown Form