How to Apply for NGS' PhD-cum-Scholarship

Registration for Application

You must start at


ONLY online applications via are accepted.


New ApplicantsClick on Create a new account.
Return Applicants

Log in with your Email Address and Password

If you have mailed us your supporting documents and payment by bankdraft, please allow at least 4 weeks for postal delivery before checking your admission and payment status.

* Important Note:

You are allowed to apply simultaneously to multiple PhD programmes that come under different Faculties/Schools in NUS, if you wish to be considered for more than one Faculty/School. However please note each application must have its own set of application fee payment and supporting documents.


Unless granted approval by our University, no candidate may concurrently be a student for more than one degree or register as an NUS candidate and of another university/institute.


Please note:

  • Only COMPLETE (with all required documents) application(s) received BEFORE the application deadline will be processed.
  • Completed / incomplete application received AFTER the application deadline will be automatically considered for the next Intake.

Personal Particulars

Complete these 2 sections online:


Personal Particulars

For overseas applicants new to Singapore, you may skip the fields “Pass Type”, “Pass Expiry Date” and “Pass Number”.


Contact Details

Please ensure you provide

  • Two contact telephone numbers under “Personal Contact”
  • “Mailing Contact”, i.e. your mailing address.

Selecting programme to apply for ** Important **

Click on

  • 1) Manage Applications
  • 2) Add New Application


for NGS’ PhD,
be it under NGS Scholarship or AGS scheme
for Joint NUS-KI PhD programme,
under NGS Scholarship scheme only

for simultanenous application of both NGS’ PhD and Joint NUS-KI PhD programme,
you need to do “Add New Application” twice.
That means, you will effectively have 2 different application numbers.

Compulsory sections to complete, where applicable

Please ensure you complete:

  • Academic Qualifications

  • Languages

  • Other Information

  • Test Details – GRE and TOEFL/IELTS: refer to “#5 Supporting Documents” for more information

  • Publications

  • Questionnaire and Declaration

  • Referee Associations

  • Payment

Supporting Documents

Please ensure you complete:

  • Academic Qualifications

  • Languages

  • Other Information

  • Test Details – GRE and TOEFL/IELTS: refer to “#5 Supporting Documents” for more information

  • Publications

  • Questionnaire and Declaration

  • Referee Associations

  • Payment