Our Research

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transcending across a myriad of disciplines

Our Multi-Disciplinary Research

Coconut Oil Consumption on CVD Risk Factors: A Meta-analysis of Trials

Coconut oil is high in saturated fat and may, therefore, raise serum cholesterol concentrations, but beneficial effects on other cardiovascular risk factors have also been suggested. Seah Yi Hoong and his team conducted a systematic review of the effect of coconut oil consumption on blood lipids and other cardiovascular risk factors compared with other cooking oils using data from clinical trials.

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Derrick Johnston Alperet’s paper in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Derrick Johnston Alperet’s paper in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Derrick Johnston Alperet’s research “The effect of coffee consumption on insulin sensitivity and other biological risk factors for type 2 diabetes: a randomized placebo-controlled trial” was published in the highest ranked journal in the field of nutrition, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The study suggests that coffee consumption reduces body fat but does not influence insulin sensitivity.

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An extracellular matrix-related prognostic and predictive indicator for early-stage non-small cell lung cancer

Publication in Nature Communications

“An extracellular matrix-related prognostic and predictive indicator for early-stage non-small cell lung cancer” jointly published by Lim Su Bin (NGS student) and Tan Swee Jin (NGS alumnus) in Nature Communications.

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