Undergraduate Teaching Hours

ISEP students who are Singaporeans and Singapore PRs have to fulfil a total of 40 hours of teaching duties, as part of their coursework requirement. 


This is normally to be completed by the end of the 2nd year of enrolment at ISEP. 

There are different options of clocking the teaching hours, as listed in the table below:

# Modes of Clocking Teaching Hours Max Hours to Clock Remarks
Modes of Clocking Teaching Hours
Undergraduate Teaching
Max Hours to Clock
40 hours
  • Compulsory for all ISEP students to participate in undergraduate teaching in NUS.
  • Normally to be completed by the end of the 2nd year of enrolment at ISEP.
  • Feedback will be required within 4 weeks of the teaching being completed.
  • No MCs will be allocated for teaching.
  • Marking hours cannot be used as part of teaching hours. Only the direct teaching or demonstrating hours can be clocked
Modes of Clocking Teaching Hours
Research Supervision
Max Hours to Clock
10 hours
Students are encouraged in the later stages of their research career to participate in supervision of JC, Honours and UROP students undertaking research projects in their host institution, normally in the laboratory of their Main Thesis Advisor or Co-Thesis Advisor (if any).

This can be used to fulfil up to 25% of the 40 hours teaching requirement, provided it can be adequately documented. The Thesis Advisor and the students being supervised will certify the quality of the supervision.
Modes of Clocking Teaching Hours
ISEP Buddy System
Max Hours to Clock
10 hours
It is mandatory for students to participate in the Buddy System. For example, students from the August 2015 intake will take on the roles of senior buddies to the freshmen of the subsequent August 2016 intake.

- Senior must meet with the freshmen at least 2 times in that academic year (~1x per semester) and obtain satisfactory feedback from the freshmen (Note: Only 10 hours can be claimed regardless how many freshmen the senior has).

- The Online Buddy Report Form is applicable to both the Senior & Freshmen who are in the Buddy program; Submission of the form MUST be made once every semester in the freshmen’s first year of study only.

- Deadline to submit the form in Semester 1 is 01 July and Semester 2 is 02 January; late submissions will not be accepted and incomplete forms received after the deadline of each semester will be considered as void.

- Both forms for the Senior and Junior MUST be submitted. Therefore, the Senior Buddy must ensure that the Junior Buddy submits the form every semester and vice versa.

- 5 hours will be uploaded to Senior’s teaching milestone at the end of each semester (up to a max of 10 hours). ISEP reserves the right to revoke the 5 hours uploaded should the senior not fulfil his/her buddy duties and not submit the subsequent (or 2nd) form required.
Modes of Clocking Teaching Hours
Attendance of ISEP PhD Thesis Seminars
Max Hours to Clock
5 hours
Students may clock a maximum of 5 hours (or to attend 5 seminars) for their participation. These 5 hours may be used to fulfil the mandatory 40 hours of teaching requirement.

To be awarded the hours, students have to sign in their attendance at each seminar and after each session, to submit to ISEP a PhD Oral Defense Seminar Report Form (as attached) to share what they have learnt.
Modes of Clocking Teaching Hours
Giving Seminar or Talks to Department or Workshop
Max Hours to Clock
5 hours

These seminars/talks should be a research seminar of >30 mins in length, and excluding those that would count towards the requirement of a seminar-based module, or part of an organized mandatory departmental graduate seminar series.

Modes of Clocking Teaching Hours
Conference Organization
Max Hours to Clock
5 hours
Students have to submit a request and to seek approval from the ISEP DIrectorate for this option.

Feedback by Module Coordinator or Main Thesis Advisor Form

Hours Clocked For Undergraduate Teaching / Research Supervision / Other Developmental Assignments Form

Hours Clocked Details and Breakdown Form