PhD Oral Defense: Oh Jin An Sam
Zoom , SingaporeSodium Metal Solid – State Battery Based on Nasicon Electrolyte
Sodium Metal Solid – State Battery Based on Nasicon Electrolyte
Advanced Interference Mitigation Techniques for Cellular-connected Drone Communication
Nanoparticle – Assisted Polarization of Macrophages
Biomaterials for the Image-Based Analyses of High-Throughput 3D Hepatic Cultures
Biochemical Approaches Towards Elucidating the Mechanism of Phospholipid Transport in Escherichia Coli
Stretchable Conductor: Three-dimensional Metal-elastomer Composite for Wearable and Flexible Electronic Devices
Low – Noise, Low – Power, Miniaturized Sensor Interface Circuits for Wearable Healthcare Applications
The Interplay of PFKP and AMPK in Metabolic Stress in Lung Cancer
Post-transcriptional Modifications of Cav1.3 Channel Divesify its Role in Presynaptic and Postsynaptic Mechanisms
O-containing Polycyclic Heteroatomic Aromatic Hydrocarbons with Different Topologies, Structures and Physical Properties