Apply Now

You must fill in both forms below:

Eligibility & Conditions


Top Honors from your University

Some reference scores as a guide:
CAP1 ≥ 4.00/5 or its equivalent (≥80%), or GPA2 ≥3.2/4 in relevant disciplines

Scholarship dependent on academic performance

CAP1 ≥ 3.8 every semester

1Cumulative Average Points   2Grade Point Average

Masters Degree

  • If you are currently pursuing a Masters Degree, you must be officially conferred with the Masters Degree before matriculating at NGS.
  • If you have submitted your Thesis but NOT conferred with Masters degree, admission to NGS will be deferred until your Masters degree is officially awarded.
  • You will not be allowed to exit with Masters Degree.

If you are under any bond, you must declare in the application and seek to defer the bond before commencing graduate program at NGS.

You will also not be eligible for the President’s Graduate Fellowship (PGF).

Application Procedure

What You Need to Know

  • While completing the application form on “NUS Graduate Admissions System (GDA2)”, please select for
    • “Faculty” field > “NUS Graduate School” (regardless of the faculty affiliation of your Proposed Supervisor and/or of your intended Specalisation (Data Science)
    • “Programme” field >
      – “Doctor of Philosophy (ISEP)”: for PhD with / without Specialisation
  • Applications with
    • COMPLETE dossier, and/or
    • COMPLETE information in GDA2 and ISEP Application Form

    will be given priority and processed faster.

  • Only COMPLETED (with all required documents) application(s) received BEFORE the application deadline will be processed.
  • Applications received AFTER the application deadline may be processed for the next available intake, which may not be the upcoming intake in NUS academic calendar. 
  • Incomplete applications will NOT be processed.
  • Each applicant should nominate a minimum of 2, but not more than 4, Referees. The “NUS Graduate Admissions System (GDA2)” will generate emails to your nominated Referees to request completion of an online Referee Report template, which will have a validity period of 14 days.

Submission Deadline

August 2024 Intake

Application closing date - 15 December 2023.

You Will Need to Submit:

The following documents are to be compiled in the following sequence, where applicable, in a single PDF file, to be uploaded to THIS LOCATION (max file size 15MB).

Please name your PDF dossier in this format –
[Specialisation, only if applicable] [ApplicationNumber] [Full Name as per official ID document, eg passport, NRIC, etc]
2022138361 Angel Angg
Data Science 2022148682 Mike de Laurent
BigHeart 2022142800 Meng Shihuan
2022875481 Anurrudhin Gaganan
Digital Financial Technology 2022576882 Mary MacBeal

If you run into problems and/or are unsure whether your upload is successful, you can email us. That said, we seeking your kind understanding that

  • we will give priority to resolving problems/difficulties, while
  • request of PDF receipt acknowledgement WILL  definitely take time as time is needed to process documents received. For request of receipt acknowledgement, please state your application number and full name. Incorrect/invalid application number will result in delay.

Checklist of Documents Included in PDF:

  • Statement of Purpose*
  • Research Proposal*
  • Academic Transcripts and Certificates*
  • Evidence of Academic Awards & Honours
  • Publications
  • GRE for ALL applicants & TOEFL/IELTS for applicants whose language of undergraduate instruction is not English
  • Complete printout of the Online Application Form* generated from NUS Graduate Admissions System (GDA2), duly Declared, Signed, Dated and containing a recent passport-sized photograph* pasted on the first page.
  • Abstract of Independent Research
  • Personal CV
  • Any other supporting documents that may enhance your application​
  • Proof of Payment* of Application Fee
  • Color Scan of Singapore NRIC* (Singaporean and Singapore PR) / Passport (International Applicants); not compulsory for international applicants without passport at the point of application submission


Ready to Apply?

It’s compulsory to fill in both the forms below:

NUS Graduate Admissions System (GDA2)

ISEP Application Form