Prospective Students

ISEP Programme

How long is the PhD programme?

The maximum candidature of ISEP’ PhD is 5 years, but both ISEP-S and A*STAR Scholarship cover 4 years of PhD OR up to the date of graduation, whichever sets in earlier.

What is the ratio/proportion of international / overseas / non-Singaporean students admitted?

All applicants compete on equal grounds and go through the same rigorous review processes. Secondly, the application profile changes from cycle to cycle. There is thus no arbitrary / artificial quota.


Is the Scholarship taxable?

Both A*STAR Graduate Scholarship and ISEP Scholarship  are not taxable as this is an allowance, not an income. This applies to both local and international ISEP students.


When and how do I apply for ISEP Scholarship (ISEPS)? What are the intakes and respective application closing dates?

ISEP has one intake per year, namely the August intake. Application for the August intake opens on 1st September and closes on 15th December.

Visit here for the detailed application process and instructions. For assistance and clarifications, please email ISEPEnquiry@nus.edu.sg

Application(s) with complete information will be given priority. Similarly, application(s) with complete documents uploaded will be given priority. 

Hardcopy package is no longer necessary, with the exception of official and original transcript(s)  if your universit(y)/(ies)  still issue(s) hardcopy transcript(s).

What are the application eligibility and requirement, and/or the terms and conditions of the Scholarship?

Please refer to https://dev-isep-nus.pantheonsite.io/prospective-students/#attractive-scholarship and “See Eligibility” at this link. 

Does ISEP run any of the following programme(s)?

  • Part-time PhD programme
  • Full- / part-time PhD by coursework programme
  • Full- / part-time Masters programme?

ISEP offers only full-time PhD by research programme.

What are the disciplines that ISEP’s PhD cover? Does ISEP offer PhD in non-scientific / technological domains, such as Arts & Humanities, Law, Business, Architecture, Tourism, etc?

ISEP’s PhD covers integrative research across all branches of science, engineering, computing and bio-medicine, especially research with a trans-disciplinary thrust and focus. 

ISEP’s PhD is open to talented students/graduates from any branches of science, engineering, computing and medicine, who are especially keen to transcend one’s discipline(s) of origin and training, to pursue research that cuts across multiple boundaries.

What does the application deadline / closing date mean exactly? Must I complete the online application only, or does it apply to submission of application dossier(s) or when the dossier(s) must reach NUSGS office?

Deadline  Required Submissions to be Completed

15 Nov – PhDMBA

15 Dec – PhD(ISEP) with / without Specialisation

You must have entered all required and relevant information in your online application form on NUS’ Graduate Admission Systems, and clicked on “Submit Application” button before the end of day of the application deadline / closing date.
3 working days after after 15 Nov (for PhDMBA) / 15 Dec (for PhD(ISEP)) 

You must have completed and submitted the

This applies to applications from both Singapore and beyond.

Application(s) with complete information in GDA2 and ISEP Application Form will be given priority.

Thereafter, your complete PDF dossier must be uploaded to here  – detailed checklist is listed here. Please note we reserve the right to reject your PDF dossier if it is incomplete, except for the Referee Reports which will not be submitted by you (the applicant).

Similarly, application(s) with complete PDF dossier will be given priority.

Hardcopy package is no longer necessary, except for the official and original transcript(s) from your universit(y)/(ies). We also accept officially issued electronic transcript(s), but it must be  emailed to us (ngsbox4@nus.edu.sg) by the university registrar, OR downloadable by us from an official link issued by your university.

Please note

  • only complete applications received before the respective afore-mentioned deadlines will be processed;
  • completed / incomplete applications received after respective deadlines may be automatically considered for the next Intake.

Does ISEP extend special grace period for international hardcopy package to reach NUSGS office, in case(s) of unforeseen mishaps/delays due to local events, local postal companies’ operational issues, etc?

Hardcopy package is no longer necessary, except for the official and original transcript(s) from your universit(y)/(ies). We also accept officially issued electronic transcript(s), but it must be  emailed to us (ngsbox4@nus.edu.sg) by the university registrar, OR downloadable by us from an official link issued by your university.

Does ISEP extend special grace period for the official transcript(s) to reach NUSGS office, as it is beyond the applicant’s control how soon one’s undergraduate and Masters (if applicable) institution(s) issue(s) and send(s) off the official transcript(s) to ISEP?

The official transcript(s) can reach ISEP office 2 weeks from the application deadline.

My university does not issue hardcopy transcript – only electronic ones. Is electronic transcript acceptable?

Yes, it is. Please request your University to contact / email your transcript(s) to ngsbox4@nus.edu.sg.

Supervisory Selection

Who are the supervisors an ISEP-S student can work with?

An ISEP student must nominate one’s main supervisor from NUS listed here.

The student’s co-supervisor(s) can be from:

  • NUS, currently listed here 
  • subject to approval
    • A*STAR’s Research Institutes
    • NUS Faculty of Science, Faculty of Engineering, School of Computing, and School of Medicine, but not listed here.

If my proposed supervisor in NUS is not in your list, can I still apply for ISEP?

Yes. Supervisory selection is not compulsory at the point of submitting your application, and throughout application review period. You may still apply for ISEP even if your proposed supervisor in NUS is not in the ISEP-NUS list. ISEP selects students based on the student’s own merits and NOT whom they would like to work with.

After admission, ISEP Scholarship students must go through 2 compulsory laboratory rotations for 4 months with ISEP supervisors before nominating the supervisors.

Selecting a supervisor is NOT compulsory before applying to ISEP although the candidate should look through the ISEP supervisor’s list to find one / two whom you like to guide you for your PhD; otherwise, this program may not be suitable for you.

Alternatively, you may wish to consider encouraging  your proposed supervisor to apply for the ISEP faculty membership.

Is it compulsory to do any one of the following during application in order to apply?

  • Contact a supervisor
  • Ascertain / confirm the research interests / project
  • Gain the consent of the interested / proposed supervisor
  • Confirm the supervisory selection?

No. Supervisory and project selection is not compulsory at the point of submitting your application, and throughout application review period. After admission, ISEP-S students must go through 2 compulsory laboratory rotations for 4 months before nominating the supervisors from the ISEP-NUS list.


Selecting a supervisor is NOT compulsory before applying to ISEP although the candidate should look through the ISEP supervisor’s list to find one / two whom you like to guide you for your PhD; otherwise, this program may not be suitable for you.

If I do not have a proposed supervisor currently, will it affect my application?

No, not naming a proposed supervisor does not affect or lower the success rate of your application.

For the field on proposed research topic in the application form, do I have to complete the section if I do not have a specific topic in mind?

It is important to state the proposed research topic and submit the Research Proposal, so that we can understand your interests better, and to ensure that there are potential ISEP supervisors able to guide you for your PhD.

If you are selected for interviews, there will be discussion on your proposed research topic to evaluate your interest and depth of knowledge in the field, and whether you can identify the gaps of knowledge in that field and what can be done to address the gaps.

Nonetheless, you need not pursue that proposed research topic for your PhD as you may identify other interests after your Lab Rotation.

The Research Proposal is important for us to evaluate your research interest as well as your scientific thinking.

Who will make the arrangements for the compulsory laboratory rotations?

Freshmen are responsible to sew up their own Laboratory Rotation arrangements. You could first go through the list here to identify and contact the supervisors whose fields of research match yours, and whether (and when) they are able to accommodate your rotation requests. Through these exercises, you would be able to better finalise your supervisory nomination and choice.


Is GRE compulsory for applicants (any of the following)?

  • With/pursuing Masters in NUS, NTU and SUTD?
  • Whose native tongue is English
  • Whose medium of undergraduate instruction is English
  • With a strong command of English?

Yes. GRE remains compulsory.

Can I apply for a waiver of GRE requirement?

GRE waiver cannot be sought or applied for during application submission stage.

Requesting GRE waiver is strongly not encouraged.

All request for GRE waiver will be considered on a case-by-case basis during application evaluations.

What is weightage of given to GRE in application reviews?

The entire review process will be holistic and takes into consideration the applicant’s academic and research background and history, achievements and performance (e.g. publications, conference posters (if available)), Referee Reports, Statement of Purpose, as well as the inter-disciplinary nature and thrust of the applicant’s research interests. GRE is only one of the factors considered.

Should I take GRE General or subject-specific GRE?

GRE General

What are ISEP’s requirements for GRE & TOEFL/IELTS results?


  • Verbal + Quantitative: 320 or higher
  • Analytical Writing – 3.5 or higher


85 or higher for Internet Based Test (IBT)



6.0 or higher

Among the 3 components – Verbal, Quantitative and Analytical Wring – is there one that surpasses the other in comparison?

  • The sum of Verbal + Quantitative scores is considered, not the breakdown.
  • Generally, the sum of Verbal + Quantitative scores could be more important.

Can GRE be substituted by GATE for applicants from India?


Are GRE and TOEFL/IELTS compulsory at the point of application? When is the latest one can submit GRE and TOEFL/IELTS?

An applicant may still submit the application for ISEP’ PhDs, less the GRE and TOEFL/IELTS results (if applicable) before the application deadline.  GRE and TOEFL/IELTS (if applicable) must be submitted by 31st December, before application reviews commence. 

That said, application with complete PDF dossiers submitted before the deadline will be given priority, while those with incomplete dossiers will be processed later. 

How should GRE be submitted?

The official PDF download of GRE results bearing the ETS logo, the applicant’s complete information and GRE results should be included in the PDF dossier.


For late submission, the official PDF download should be emailed to ngsbox4@nus.edu.sg stating the applicant’s full name and application number in the email body.


The afore-mentioned similarly applies to TOEFL/IELTS.

Can TOEFL/IELTS be waived for applicants with a strong command of the English language?

TOEFL / IELTS  is only waived for applicants whose

  • native tongue


  • medium of undergraduate instruction

is English. Either TOEFL or IELTS can be used.

Other Application Documents

Which is compulsory - "Statement of Purpose" or "Research Proposal" and is there any requirements or format I need to abide by?

Both the “Statement of Purpose” and “Research Proposal” are compulsory.

There are no specific format/template/requirement to adhere to. 

May I request that my referees send their reports via email to ngsbox4@nus.edu.sg, before I complete my online application?

This is not recommended as your Referees should try to complete the system-generated Referee Report template. If the template generation fails, please contact isepenquiry@nus.edu.sg, stating your full name, NGS application number and your Referee’s full name in your email.

Is there a difference between submitting a Referee Report or a Letter of Recommendation?

  • “Referee Report” is compulsory, while “Letter of Recommendation” is optional.
  • “Referee Report” follows a specific template where crucial information of the applicant is requested from the Referee. “Referee Report” is crucial to the applicant’s application reviews.

How will I know...?

  • if my application has been received and is being processed
  • if my application dossier is complete
  • what my missing documents are?

Applicants will be progressively notified and updated via email

  • receipt of application
  • receipt of application dossier
  • completeness of dossier / missing document(s), whichever is applicable
  • necessary action(s), if any.

Thus, please look out for emails from isepadmissions@nus.edu.sg, and pay close attention to the emails. (Please look into your spam box as well if you have not been receiving emails from us.) The information and updates in our emails will supersede what is reflected in the online status in the application portal.


What are the modules an ISEP student have to read?

Please refer to the Coursework section.

Is credit transfer permitted?

Application for credit transfer will only be entertained after admission into ISEP. Application can be submitted in the first semester.

Any application for credit transfer will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Student Life, Provision and Benefits

Does ISEP provide student accommodation – and for overseas students, relocation benefits? Does ISEP-S cover student accommodation expenses specifically? Do ISEP students reside on campus?

ISEP students are responsible to find their own accommodation, be it on- or off-campus, which students are free to opt for.


ISEP Scholarship stipend is more than sufficient to cover accommodation expenses. 

NUS has on-campus halls of residences which newly-admitted ISEP students can opt and apply for, catering to both single and married students. You may find these options at the portal, www.nus.edu.sg/osa/campus-living/residential-options/halls-of-residence.


Before admissions, students will receive an admissions package. It will contain information on how students can start applying for on-campus accommodation.


Alternatively, you may choose to rent accommodation off-, but very near, campus. Not all students actually opt to stay on campus because of the flexibility, convenience and other lodging-specific factors that come with staying off-campus, because ISEP students’ laboratories are not centralised, but located over a wide geographic spread across the whole campus.

How should I apply for student visa to enter Singapore?

After accepting ISEP’s offer, successful applicants need only submit your passport information promptly to ISEP when requested. Please ensure the validity of the passport for travel.


ISEP will issue the In Principle Approval (IPA) letter to the students. The students will need to print out this IPA document. Upon arrival at Singapore’s port of call (Changi airport), the freshmen will show the IPA letter to the Immigration officer to gain entry into Singapore. This IPA letter is valid for 2 months, and contains a specifically allotted appointment for the freshmen to proceed to Singapore’s Immigration and Checkpoint Authority to apply for Student Pass, after they have arrived in Singapore. Once they miss this appointment, it will take some time for them to secure another slot.


In other words, application for visa will only be done after entry into Singapore and registration with ISEP.

Other Non-NGS Scholarships

A*STAR Graduate Scholarship (AGS)​

A*STAR Graduate Scholarship (AGS)

When and how do I apply for A*STAR Graduate Scholarship (AGS)? What are the intakes and respective application closing dates?

There are 2 parts to the application:

  1. application to AGS via A*GA application Portal
  2. application to ISEP’s PhD under AGS scheme. Application for the August intake opens on 1st September and closes on 15th December. Visit here for details, selecting A*STAR Graduate Scholarship under the “Source of Finance” field.

For assistance, please email ISEPEnquiry@nus.edu.sg

What are the application eligibility and requirement, and/or the terms and conditions of the Scholarship?

  • Visit here for eligibility and requirements, and terms and conditions of AGS scheme.

Are GRE and/or TOEFL/IELTS compulsory for AGS application?

GRE is strongly encouraged.

TOEFL/IELST is compulsory if the applicant’s

  • language of instruction for the undergraduate studies 


  • the native language

is not English.

Are non-Singaporeans eligible to apply for the AGS?

Non-Singaporeans, who have completed a degree in a Singapore autonomous university, are welcome to apply. 

Can I apply to do a part-time PhD and/or Masters programme under AGS?

ISEP offers only full-time PhD programmes.

Does ISEP offers coursework-based or research-based PhD programmes?

PhD programmes are research-based, with coursework component built in.

Could I terminate my research scholarship under a Faculty Graduate Programme and apply for the AGS under ISEP?

No, you are not allowed to terminate or to withdraw from your research scholarship under a Faculty Graduate Programme and transfer to any programmes/scholarships under ISEP.  Unless you have already terminated/withdrawn prior to ISEP’s knowledge and you are submitting a fresh application to ISEP, it may be considered. In such a case, the applicant will still undergo the same rigorous review process, and if the applicant is successfully selected, he/she will be enrolled as a Year 1 student in ISEP. The Scholarship awarded will similarly be pro-rated. 

Since the AGS application comprises the a) A*GA application Portal, and b) NUS’ Graduate Admission System need each of my Referees submit 2 Referee Reports?

Only one Referee Report is required from each Referee. (S)he can submit it via (a) or (b).


In total, 2 Referee Reports are compulsory.


Applicants can choose to submit >2 Referee Reports if you wish.

Can I apply for A*STAR Graduate Scholarship and ISEP Scholarship simultaneously? How will the application reviews differ between the two applications? How would I be notified if I am shortlisted for an interview? When will I know the outcome of my application?

Visit here for application to

  • AGS only, or
  • AGS and ISEP-S simultaneously.

All applicants will follow ISEP’s PhD application timeline and processes given here.

Applications for AGS will in addition be processed – and interviewed if shortlisted – by A*STAR Graduate Academy (A*GA).

Can I apply for the Joint NUS-KI PhD programme / PhD in Data Science and other Specialisations under AGS?

The aforementioned programmes are strictly under ISEP Scholarship scheme.

In terms of supervisory selection, what is the difference between ISEP-S and AGS scheme?

AGS students may select one’s main supervisor from 

  1. ISEP-NUS, or
  2. Research Institute.

If the main supervisor is from ISEP-NUS, the student must have a co-supervisor from the Research Institute.
If the main supervisor is from the Research Institute, the student must have an ISEP-approved co-supervisor. 

ISEP-S students can select one’s main supervisor from the ISEP-NUS only.

(i) Is it compulsory to identify Supervisor(s) and project at the point of application? (ii) Am I required to make formal arrangements with my proposed supervisor?

No. Supervisor(s) and project will be discussed in detail with the successful candidates.

If I am unable to attend the interview that has been scheduled, are other means such as teleconferencing allowed?

Shortlisted candidates who are residing overseas may attend the interview via the Skype mode. Teleconferencing however is not an option. The candidate should inform the ISEP staff who has contacted him/her for the interview to make the necessary arrangements.

Are successful candidates allowed to defer admission for PhD study?

Application for deferment will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Where will students be registered upon admission?

Successful AGS applicants will be admitted and enrolled in the NUS Graduate School, under the Integrative Sciences & Engineering Programme (ISEP). In the first semester, they will fulfill some coursework requirements prescribed by ISEP. After the first semester, they will adhere to the coursework requirements of the Faculty/School/Department they will be transferred to (which will also be the Faculty/School/Department of their main/NUS supervisor.)

Is a student allowed to transfer between ISEP-S and AGS scheme with no change in supervisory arrangements, research and thesis matters?


Current Students

When will my scholarship commence and expire?

Your scholarship will commence the first day of the semester, based on the NUS Academic Calendar. It will expire at the end of the fourth year, or when you submit your thesis for examination, whichever is earlier.


For example, candidature starts on 03 August 2018; scholarship expires on 02 August 2022.

What is my maximum candidature?

The maximum candidature is 5 years. This means students will not receive any stipend or tuition fee support during the 5th year. Students do not need to submit any request for an extension of candidature. Submission of the thesis has to be done by the maximum candidature date, otherwise tuition fees will be imposed.


For example, candidature starts on 03 August 2018; maximum candidature expires on 02 August 2023.

Can a student convert to part-time candidature?

Yes, the student may convert to part-time candidature only during his/her 5th year when his/her scholarship has expired and the student is employed by his/her supervisor as a Research Assistant. In such a case, the student will still have to bear the cost of the tuition fees which is at the same rate as a full-time student. However, the student may apply for Staff Concession Scheme, to request for a waiver of the tuition fees.

Where can students find information about modules offered by NUS?
Where and how do students register for their modules?

ModReg@EduRec, replaces all the module registration systems used by individual Faculties and Schools, including the Centralised Online Registration System (CORS). Students will select module classes, tutorials and labs, as well as drop modules within ModReg@EduRec. It serves all NUS students belonging to the following categories:

  • Undergraduate* (UG)
  • Graduate (GD)
  • Non-Graduating (NG)
  • Continuing & Professional Education (CPE)

Students may refer to http://www.nus.edu.sg/ModReg/index.html#modregintro for the Module Registration Schedule as well as the User Guides on how to navigate the portal.

How many modules are students allowed to read each semester?

ISEP students have to complete 30 modular credits, of which are comprises 3 ISEP compulsory modules. They are strongly advised to read a maximum of 2 modules each semester.

What are the ISEP compulsory modules?

ISEP compulsory modules are:

  • GS6001 (Research Ethics and Scientific Integrity) to be read latest by the 3rd semester upon enrolment (4 MCs)
  • GS5002 (Academic Professional Skills and Techniques) to be read latest by the 4th semester upon enrolment (4 MCs)
  • GS6883A (Interface Sciences and Engineering) to be read latest by the 4th semester upon enrolment (2 MCs)

How many graduate modules can ISEP students read as Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading (S/US)?

ISEP students may take up to 3 graduate modules (12 MCs) outside their main undergraduate discipline, to be graded on a S/US system and NOT count towards the CAP. The quota of S/US modules does not include the ISEP compulsory module.

Note that the modular credits earned with an ‘S’ grade will count towards the total number of modular credits that a student needs to fulfil his degree programme. On the contrary, a module with an ‘U’ grade earns no modular credits.

Is lab rotation compulsory? Can a student ask for exemption from it?

Yes, it is compulsory for ALL first-semester and exemptions are not allowed. All new students have to undertake 2 lab rotations in 2 different labs of approved ISEP supervisors, within 4 months of their candidature. Each lab rotation has to last at least 2 months.

Can I earn modular credits (MCs) from the lab rotation?

A student may be given a maximum of 2 MCs for the lab rotation outside of the selected main/co-supervisor. This is subject to the student completing a compulsory lab immersion workshop and the student’s lab performance certified as ‘Satisfactory’.

Can a student apply for a social visit pass for his/her spouse or child?

Recipients of the ISEP Scholarship may obtain a sponsorship from the University for a social visit pass for their spouse or child (unmarried and below the age of 17) to stay in Singapore. An application should be submitted only after the student has registered with the University and has obtained a student pass.

When will the social visit pass for the spouse or child expire?

For a student’s spouse or child, the sponsorship will be up to the end of the student’s scholarship, or submission of thesis for examination, whichever is earlier or if the research scholarship is terminated or withdrawn due to whatever reasons. If the student wishes to continue with the sponsorship, he/she will have to furnish a $5,000 deposit per spouse or child.

What do I do if I have changed my citizenship?

Any changes in citizenship must be accompanied by documentary proof. Student has to provide the original and one copy of the relevant supporting documents for verification at the NUSGS Office and the staff will do the necessary updates to the student’s record in EduRec.

And the monthly stipend will be revised based on the citizenship. For example, an International Student has become a Singapore PR, will have his/her stipend revised from S$3,000 to S$3,200 per month.

FAQs - Thesis Advisors

What is the application procedure to be an ISEP supervisor?

NUS faculty staff will apply directly to ISEP using the relevant application form (with the supporting material specified in the Application Form), downloadable from ISEP website. The application should be endorsed by the applicant’s Head of the Department and Dean and will be reviewed by an ISEP Membership Committee. 

RI staff: Upon recommendation from the Executive Director (ED) of the RI, the application must be endorsed by the ED of AGA and Chairman of A*STAR. Approved applications will be sent to ISEP for review.

What are the criteria to be eligible to apply for the ISEP Faculty Membership?

  • An enthusiasm for the aims of ISEP
  • International distinction in research of an integrated nature
  • Good track record of student supervision
  • Time and willingness to guide and mentor ISEP students to conduct integrative research.
  • Time and willingness to participate in various ISEP activities, including curriculum design, innovative coursework, interviews, student recruitment, symposiums and conferences.
  • Time and willingness to promote the ISEP program.

How long will the application review take (approximately)?

The review process may take up to 2-3 months from the point ISEP receives the application documents.

Will ISEP members be paid by ISEP?

No, staff remains under their home Department and Faculty. They are responsible to ISEP only for supervision of ISEP students and a limited amount of graduate teaching.

How does ISEP assign students to the supervisors?

ISEP does not assign students to thesis advisors.  ISEP students are advised to refer to the ISEP website for the list of approved thesis advisors and their research information.  Students will contact the prospective thesis advisors directly.

What are the basic responsibilities of an ISEP thesis advisor?

  • Work with the student to prepare a project proposal that has clear aims, projections and expectations.
  • Ensure that the progress of the student is monitored by meeting him/her as frequently as necessary. The meeting should take place at least once a month for the purpose of constructive review and feedback.  These meetings are in addition to TAC meetings.
  • Clearly define the roles of other research staff (e.g. post-doctoral scientists) who may be involved in the supervision, at the start of the PhD programme. Any such arrangement should be communicated to ISEP promptly.


What is the ISEP Alumni Club?

The former NGS Alumni Club was officially formed on 31 January 2011 and it is autonomously run by NGS alumni. Now, it is called ISEP Alumni Club.  These alumni volunteer their time to organize events and activities for their fellow alumni, or to prepare the Alumni E-Feature. More information of the ISEP Alumni Club can be found here.

How do I become a volunteer to the ISEP Alumni Club?

Simply fill up the form or drop an email to Vivien (ngsllv@nus.edu.sg) to find out more.

Are there any other ways where I can volunteer?

Yes, definitely! We are looking for volunteers for the following roles as well: 

  • Alumni Mentors – where you share your wealth of experience and career advices to your mentee / ISEP juniors.
  • Class Ambassadors – be the link between your classmates and ISEP, and invite them to ISEP alumni activities.

I would like to make a Gift to ISEP. What should I do?

Thank you for your generosity. You may like to make a gift online to the ISEP Student & Alumni Development Fund. The funds will be used to enable the development of the student and alumni body, enabling them to take part in enhancement programs. Please make your cash gift online here.

You can also give by the following means: Non-cash gifts (securities and real estate) and planned gifts or bequests, please contact Ms Vivien Li at ngsllv@nus.edu.sg to discuss making a gift.

How do I update my particulars?

To update your particulars please visit alum.nus.edu.sg/update.

How do I stay connected with ISEP?

You can join us at our Facebook Page or at LinkedIn.

How do I verify my degree?

The NUS Online Degree Verification Portal assists employers, staff of other higher learning institutions or members of the public verify claims to academic qualifications conferred by NUS. 

Please visit the Online Degree Verification Portal at myaces.nus.edu.sg/odvs.
If you are unable to access the Online Degree Verification Portal, please email to degverify@nus.edu.sg.

Please select a category above to view the respective FAQs.

Questions not answered?

Feel free to drop us an email with your questions