Oral Defense: Samarpita Roy
Meeting Room T203, Uhall , SingaporeMetabolic Shift and Niche Differentiation During Denitrifying Phosphorus Removal In a Tropical Climate
Metabolic Shift and Niche Differentiation During Denitrifying Phosphorus Removal In a Tropical Climate
Design and Development of Thin-film Composites and Nanocomposites Membranes for Selenium and Arsenic Removal Via Nanofiltration
Development of a Novel Plant Holobiont System and its Applications
Development of Soft Robotic Pad Technology for Manta Ray Inspired Robotic Swimmer
Modelling Angelman Syndrome with Induced Human Neurons
The Role of Annexin-AI in RIG-1 Mediated Influenza A Virus Infection of Lung Epithelial Cells
Exploring and Optimizing the Nanopartice-induced Endothelial Leakiness Effect to Support Therapeutics
A Semantic Touch Interface for Flying Camera Photography
Deep Interactive Image Segmentation
Computational Models of Bottom-up and Top-down Visual Attention